Friday, September 24, 2010

Saturday 9/18

This morning JP woke up early to the sounds of an emotional cow outside our bedroom window. But for me, as usual, I managed to sleep like a baby, completely unaware of the crazy cow.

Turns out – she was in labor! And the Jury’s now have a new baby black calf … who hasn’t quite learned how to nurse yet and keeps sucking on her mother’s armpits.
There are 3 other calves that were born before we arrived, but there’s one more pregnant momma cow, and a couple of pregnant momma sheep. We (JP and I) have found this to be VERY exciting.


When the Jury’s first emailed us to inform us we could stay and work with them, they invited us to go to a muppet-themed party on September 25th. We weren’t sure if that meant dressing up as Muppets… as in the kind of Muppets we used to watch as kids, or if “muppet” had some other sort of meaning down under.
Our very first day in Auckland, before we could check in to our hotel, we had gone for a walk to see a bit of the rainy city – and in passing noticed a pub with a sign outside the door stating:
“No Minors
No Drunkies
No Muppets
No Solicitors”

Aaaaaaand to say the very least, we thought that was pretty weird – and were starting to worry about what the heck “muppets” indicated. All that day we considered asking people we encountered what a muppet was – but were worried that maybe it was something really crass or awkward.
As we became more comfortable with the Irish desk lady at our hotel, I finally asked her about it. She didn’t know of any special meaning except that in Ireland people would refer to an idiot has a muppet.
We felt more at ease about the subject, because she had been living in New Zealand for a year.
When we arrived at the Jury home and asked them, “Now what kind of a party is it you’ve invited us to??” and told them about the sign they saw, they cracked up over it and explained to us, yes, it is a Muppet party – as in the puppets – and they have no idea why that pub had a sign like that.

So cool. J
Apparently their friends Mark and Kelly throw parties at their house a couple times a year – and always with some sort of a theme… which I love – reminds me of the Wooden Castle. J
The last couple of parties they’ve held were things like, “what I wanna be when I grow up,” “superheroes,” “opposites,” “things starting with the letter ‘t’,” etc.

This morning Tony and Sharyn got up and began collecting ideas for muppet costumes. Sharyn’s going to be Dr. Teeth. Tony will be Count Dracula. JP wants to be Gonzo. And I’m going to be Janis – the bass player in the band… I feel like that one’s a bit of a cop-out … but I didn’t really bring a ton of costume ideas with me… and her’s seems pretty easy to dress up as. I’d much rather be the Manamana guy J or the Swedish Chef… or one of the pink manamana doo doo do do do singers…. Or Animal J -----but whatever. J

So today Sharyn, JP, the boys, and I are gonna go to the thrift store and to the “$2 and $5 store” to look for bits to contribute to our costumes.

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